Wanderlust 108
Wanderlust yoga festivals grabbed my attention through social media over a year ago. I constantly search for new, exciting adventures, and when I discovered that Wanderlust 108 was coming to town, I didn't want to miss my chance to attend. Wanderlust 108 is the first and only mindful triathlon! This fantastic event, sponsored by Adidas, began with a 5k run, followed by a 90-minute yoga session, and ended with 30 minutes of guided meditation. I signed up for the race in Sacramento, Ca, but it travels to different cities every weekend so check here to see when it comes to a local park near you!
The run was quick. I trained by running everyday for two weeks leading up to the race. That was all the preparation I needed in order to run the 3.1 miles with ease. It definitely didn't feel like a competition. Each participant was encouraged to run or walk at their own pace. I set a personal goal and it felt great to accomplish my desired time.
The yoga session was held shortly after the run and was led by Chelsey Korus. She was awesome! I fed off of her energetic personality, and thought her message complemented the overall purpose of the day which was a movement of inspiration, change and love. Chelsey's flow was just what I needed to stretch out my tight muscles after running and it was inclusive for all levels, beginners to advanced. This was the largest group of yogi's that I have ever been around, and our positive energy was electrifying. The community was diverse and comforting. Every single one of us came together to build a movement around mindfulness and compassion.
Noah Levine led the massive group through a guided meditation to conclude the mindful triathlon. It was the perfect ending to a day dedicated to cultivating your best self. I was able to clear my mind and completely relax my body while Noah encouraged us to be the change by starting within yourself. He left us with these words, "You can search the whole world and never find anyone more worthy than yourself."
In addition to uplifting my mind, body and spirit, I was able to give back to a good cause! For each Wanderlust 108 ticket purchased, $1.08 was donated to No Kid Hungry. Each donation provides a child with up to 10 meals.