Passionate about Hot Pilates 🔥
In July 2014, I spent ten days in Las Vegas watching my brother play in the NBA Summer League. While in Vegas, I discovered my first Hot Pilates studio. I had never heard of Hot Pilates before, but already had several years of experience taking Hot Yoga and mat Pilates. Assuming it was similar, I signed up for a week of unlimited classes. Let's not forget, I was staying in a hotel for ten days, and was in search of any reason to get away from the madness on the Las Vegas Strip!
I had no idea that taking an extremely hot class during the hottest time of the year, in the DESERT, would leave me with the greatest high of my life! It was one of the toughest exercise classes I had ever taken. What happened in class that day was magical, and I was instantly hooked! During the 60 minutes on my mat, I was pushed beyond my limits. I wanted to quit, but I fought through, and when it ended I felt like I could do anything! I went back for more every day that week.
Hot Pilates is an experience, both physical and spiritual, that I wish everyone could feel for themselves. If I had to put it into words...
"Hot Pilates is an extremely challenging, full body workout using Pilates principles and high intensity interval training. The intent is to sculpt and tone your body, tap into inner strength and improve cardiovascular health taught in a room at 95℉ and 40% humidity."
At the time, I was living Sacramento, California, and attending basic exercise classes at a local fitness gym. I knew something was missing from my workouts, so I got a personal trainer. Unfortunately, even the one-on-one training still wasn't the answer. One day while driving through midtown, I passed by P2O Hot Pilates and Fitness, the only studio of its kind in Northern California. Needless to say, I became a member right away, and their classes left me with the SAME high I was chasing from my workouts in Vegas earlier that summer.
Every Hot Pilates class at P20 begins with five minutes of grounding. This time is dedicated to becoming present and establishing a breath to body connection. You are also encouraged at this time, to set an intention. This part of class is so important to center yourself and visualize your bigger picture. When the workout starts to get challenging, you have a powerful image and Pilates breath to help push you through. Personally, Hot Pilates is more than just a tough workout. It's my one hour of the day where I can let go of everything in life and just focus on myself. I get better and stronger each and every single time.
After regularly attending class at P2O for a couple months, I decided to join their teacher training program in the spring of 2015. It was at this time that I realized I had developed a deep passion for Pilates. I was serious about my practice, and wanted to teach with the intention of leaving others with the same feelings I experienced.
I started the 170 hours of teacher training, but before I could finish, my brother was traded to a different team, and I was forced to move across the country. Then, life got even MORE unpredictable, and I ended up living in four different states within one year! When things began to settle down, I decided it was time to finish what I started. I flew to Sacramento on a one way ticket, and told myself that I would not leave until I was completely certified!
I am so grateful for the wonderful people at P2O. They welcomed me back with open arms. The owners allowed me to jump right in where I had left off and complete the last 24 hours of my training. I basically lived in the studio for a month and a half. I hadn't taught since 2015, so I decided to go above and beyond the requirements, and spend extra time in the studio to help gain confidence. During those short six weeks back in town, I observed, practiced, taught, and took a total of 73 hours of Hot Pilates classes.
Completing my Hot Pilates certification gave me a tremendous feeling of accomplishment. Becoming an official instructor was the best feeling in the world! I committed to a goal over two years ago, and to finally accomplish it was beyond rewarding. I am so proud of myself. Once again I have proven to myself that I can do anything I set my mind to, no matter the circumstance. There is no distance or time that can prevent me from reaching my dreams.
I encourage you to chase down your passion, and tackle any unfinished business in your life as well. It's never too late to finish what you started.